This guy. His smile is as big as his heart and his joy is just as contagious. My face hurt after spending 30 minutes with him as I couldn't quit beaming while in his presence! Edilson Lima is a dancer, teacher, and interpreter, but more importantly, he's a lovely human being.
I interviewed Edilson a year and a half ago with the intention of rolling out his show immediately. Instead, a series of painful life events hit me hard. I stopped thinking about Samba dancing, flashy color, and big smiles and instead turned away from I Am Your Neighbor to grieve in peace. During the thick of it all, I buried the idea of Edilson deep in my psyche. Similar to the St. Joseph statue I used to bury in each home seller's yard after listing the house as a real estate agent, I knew his positive vibe was there, but he was out of sight while I dealt with the day to day challenges in my life.

I was hit instantly with Edilson's sheer glee as he danced around the restaurant and through the crowd. I knew I had to draw from that in order to move forward with my own life. For good measure, I thought about it for another 6 months, then finally got the motivation to bring his story to life, along with the re-awakening of my own joie de vivre. Thanks for daring to be exactly who you are meant to be, Edilson!