Sitting near the playground with a group of parents after
school one day, a child came up to ask for a snack from his mother. One of the other parents asked him if he was
enjoying his debate team practices.
“Of course I like it, I’m a good debater,” he snapped to the
Trying another angle, the parent commented, “Your mom is a great
speaker. I bet you inherited her love of
“Uh, are you trying to be funny?” the 12-year-old sarcastically
replied. “She doesn’t know anything! She wouldn’t know a good debate topic of it
hit her in the ass.”
I inhaled sharply and held my breath, waiting to see how the
boy would respond to the beat-down that was about to be bestowed upon him from
his mother.
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Honey Badger Don't Care! |
It's as if she was silently chanting, "Honey Badger don't care!
I was so agitated by the lack of respect the child had shown
his mother that I had to physically remove myself from the situation, before I
opened my mouth. On the one hand, it was
none of my business, as every parent has their own style of child-rearing and should
be free to use it. On the other hand, I was
so sickened by the lack of correction on the mother’s part that I wanted to
scream to her that she was contributing to the arrogance of an ever-changing society
by expecting no esteem whatsoever from her child!
Do you remember when you were a child and you were expected
to tow the line in regards to your words, your tone, and your attitude? I would get sent to my room, grounded, spanked,
or given “the eye” from my parents if I spoke with disrespect to either one of
them. My parents’ response was lax in
comparison to the punishment some of my friends would receive if they back-talked
or spoke disrespectfully to their elders.
That expectation of courtesy and regard was extended to virtually anyone
I came in contact with: my sister, my
cousins, my grandparents, my teachers, my parent’s friends, a stranger I’d meet
on the street, the list goes on. I
really can’t think of a single person that was excluded from this deference. Every kid I knew, even the kids that were
bigger trouble-makers than me, as to be fair, I was a handful as a child, had
been raised the same way. We were all
taught to respect our elders, show consideration for our peers, and reverence
to our juniors.
So why today, less than half of a decade later, do I hear so
many snotty children, teens, and yes adults, speak so contentiously to other
people? A customer cussing and screaming
at a store associate, a child rolling her eyes at her teacher, a wife
belittling her husband in front of a group of people, a bus driver refusing to acknowledge the
greeting of a passenger, and yes, a child calling his mother stupid….what is
going on with our world?
Throughout history, we’ve always seen examples of a few bad
apples that infect the bushel, but I’ve just come to realize that as a society,
there are more people shit-talking today than I can ever remember in my life! Sure,
maybe I didn’t pay as much attention when I was younger as I do now, and yes,
one can point out that my perspective as a matriarch of a growing family is
definitely changed since I was a young mover and shaker, not as concerned with
my image. Still, I find myself cringing
on a regular basis about how I hear people talking to one another. We speak without regard, without courtesy,
and worst of all, without implication.
It’s as if it has become a given that we no longer respect one another,
as is represented by the blatant disregard that has become acceptable in our
society for others.
I wish I could say it’s just a fad parenting style being
bestowed upon our children, and therefore has a somewhat easy fix, as it would
eventually die out. I think it’s much
more serious, though, as the same generation of people that raised me to not
only speak respectfully to and about others, but also to give people my respect by acknowledging that I’m not always right,
are now contributing to the problem as well.
Take, as illustration, the unconcealed name-calling and the steadfast
refusal to follow the leadership of our President of the United States by
common citizens and lawmakers alike.
Again, through the years, there’s always folks that don’t agree with all
of the policies and practices that are initiated by the President in office. But that’s to be expected, right, as we’re
all different people with unique views of the world? When did it become acceptable, though, to
proudly denounce a man we voted into office as our leader less than four years
ago as a tar baby, a dick, a baby killer, or the antichrist? Sure, not all of us voted for him, but that’s
the way the ball has bounced for years. You can never make everyone happy all of the time. But to reduce the current-day remedy for our discontent to simply a tongue lashing toward our neighbor is so sad.
My point is not political in context. I’m sure you could find similar public examples
of deliberate disregard for our last president.
My point is that the boldness of our disrespect is intensifying every
single year. If left unchecked, how does
it affect our world? Do we become a lawless
society, where our hateful words are matched with physical force? Do we operate on the principal of every man
for himself, as we’re incapable of existing in a community environment that
relies on teamwork because we’re so nasty to one another? Where does it stop? It doesn’t stop until we take the effort to stop it.
I think we can still initiate a change in attitude toward one another, but it takes diligence. It’s a three-part plan that requires
discipline with our children, acknowledgement of our own use of disrespect, and
modifying our family’s behavior.
Instilling discipline in your children in regards to
demanding respect will get the ball rolling.
Don’t pretend you don’t hear what they’re saying or acknowledge how they’re
acting. Be a parent and address the
behavior in whatever style works for you.
Correct them on the spot, or wait for the privacy of your home, but just
make sure you do it. Let them know your expectation
in regards to their words, tone, and attitude, as well as behavior. They will respect you more if you hold them to your expectation. If you bypass a disrespectful
comment your child makes because you don’t have the time or energy to deal with
the response, you open the door for your child to repeat the language or action
because experience has shown him that it is okay.
Next, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Have a one-on-one with your bad self and
really self-assess your own behavior in regards to respecting others. Do you occasionally or often make nasty
comments about other people under your breath?
Do you name call or yell at others when you get charged up about
something? Do you frequently use a condescending
tone with your children, boss, or peers?
Make a list, whether mental or physical, of what you need to work on
curbing, and then make a plan to modify your behavior.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment and use attitude
to deal with a problem that could have been rectified with calm words and behavior. Catch yourself. Model the situation before it happens. If your child hears you call the police
officer that ticketed you a rat bastard, it can eat away at your kid’s supposed
respect for authority. Play out the scenarios
in your head….what makes you angry? What
is your current response to that stimulus?
Is it a respectful response? If
it’s not, drop the behavior and replace it with something more positive. Instead of letting your child hear you
proudly call your city’s mayor a scum-bucket because you don’t agree with his
policies on city-generated revenue, show your child that you can effectively and
respectively get your point across with a well-written letter stating the
facts. Don’t let him learn by your bad
example that it’s okay to be disrespectful if it happens to be a really
important issue. Your child will learn
to make every issue very important.
While the barometer of what is respectful can be somewhat
fluid depending on the situation, overall, if you’d consider a comment, action,
or behavior aimed toward your child, your mother, or your grandfather to be disrespectful,
you shouldn’t say or do it toward another person. I strongly believe that if we actively try to
be decent human beings, all of the time, we will train ourselves to speak and
act respectfully, without even trying, by sheer practice. It’s about considering how you speak to
others and how you feel about yourself. It’s
about caring how you come across and how you are viewed as a person. It’s about respecting your children enough to
give them the tools to be peaceful. It’s
about respecting yourself enough to address your internal issues and keep
yourself in check. And finally, it’s
about surrendering to the idea that all people, not just people you like or
love or admire, or people just like you, deserve our respect. Own it.
Practice it. Live it.
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